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The science behind Circadacare

Transformational technology grounded in rigorous scientific validation

What is a circadian rhythm?

A circadian rhythm is the natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours.

This biological rhythm is driven by an internal clock primarily located in the brain, specifically in the hypothalamus. External cues, known as zeitgebers, help regulate circadian rhythms. The most important zeitgeber is light which helps reset the internal clock.

A person’s circadian rhythm plays a crucial role in synchronising physiological, behavioural, and metabolic processes with the Earth's day-night cycle, allowing them to optimise various functions such as sleep, hormone production, body temperature, and alertness. When someone’s internal clock is disrupted, it can have profound effects on their health and wellbeing.

As individuals age, disturbances in circadian rhythms become more pronounced, especially for those with dementia. Essential hormones like cortisol and melatonin can fluctuate, influencing both immune function and the regular patterns of sleep and wakefulness. Disruption to this cycle can also cause people with dementia increased confusion, anxiety & agitation in the evening, known as sundowning.

How does circadian lighting work?

The sun’s natural light fluctuates throughout the day, both in intensity and wavelength.

Blue light in particular stimulates the receptors in the brain that are associated with the circadian rhythm. Circadian lighting uses advanced LED light technology to mimic the sun’s natural light. It incorporates higher levels of blue light in the morning to improve alertness, and lower levels of blue light later in the day to improve sleep.


Circadian lighting technology supports the body’s natural circadian rhythm and is proven to significantly improve health and wellbeing for those living predominantly inside, including:

  • Improved day/night cycles

  • Improved cognition & engagement

  • Reduced falls

  • Alleviated ‘sundowning’ or end of day distress

  • Regulated cortisol & melatonin cycles

Circadacare’s technology integrates circadian lighting to align the circadian rhythm to facilitate independence.

How does our AI powered monitoring work?

We integrate proven circadian light technology with a unique personalised monitoring platform to deliver an effective solution that enables older people to live independently for longer.

Our AI pattern and activity detection forms a personalised record of the individual and can detect deviations from the individual’s usual behaviour in real time. Our robust, cutting-edge algorithms are designed for trustworthiness, providing valuable insights that can help the care giver identify initial indicators of physical and neurological health decline and enable them to provide the right support when it is needed.

Grounded in science

Research Library

For further information on circadian rhythms and the latest research in this field, take a look at the research papers below.

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